How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Ancillary Texts?

The purpose of our campaign is to connect with the audience.

The xx - Coexist
The X is their trademark!
They use it on their merchandise, website and on all their albums. There is one main picture on the front of The xx's most recent album, no writing to tell us who it is. This tells you that their album is aimed at current fans, they expect people to recognise their trademark. This conforms
to the indie convention, only the music is important, not the artists. Our album cover challenges this convention as we have used out artists for the front of our cover, we did this because we felt like it matched the title of our album/track.
Often on indie albums the colours are black and white, The xx's cover is very bright, a white background, with the X filled in with pinks, yellows and blues. They break this convention by having so many bright colours, but it only makes their album recognizable and distinct from other indie albums. We conformed to this convention as both the back and front cover are in black and white.
The background colour is white, the same as the front. The writing is in black, so it stands out on the white background. The songs are written vertically and go down in a line labelled with numbers. The songs are also in capital letters, we continued this convention only we had the tracklist going down the centre of the cover.
On the bottom of the album there is a bar code and a trade marks from the recording company, it also has their official website on it as well. We copied this by adding a bar code and a recording label.

The xx Website
The website follows the same design as their latest album. A plain white background with a giant X filled with colour. The links to their other pages are across the top in the same font and same style, they are all in capital letters. Their latest activity is advertised at top and bottom of the page, but in the same font and style, it doesn't stand out, it just mellows in with the rest of the page. Again the layout is very basic, not too much stuff on the front page, the image also sticks in your head so you would recognize their logo again. You also don't need to scroll down the page, it all fits onto one, we tried to make ours similar to this as we think it is easier to view. Our web page is the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Our website is very socially and advertisement based. We have a live twitter feed, their latest news updates, concert info and advertising of our album, our website differs from theirs because ours is more about getting people to know The xx, finding out more about them and seeing them.
From the general layout of their digi pack is very basic and the colours are very light and express the bands image, as their music is very chilled and relaxed. This is about the only information you can get from their digi pack as their are no images to give away the artists identity, we can't see what they look like or what they wear. The xx's digi pack requires you too already have knowledge on the band before.
Florence and the Machine - Lungs
Florence and the Machines album obviously has one running theme running right through it, it's all about lungs! By using the image of the lungs it directly links with the album and songs on the album. This promotes the music as well as the image.
This album cover conforms to the pop convention of the artist being a key part of selling the music. She is on the cover and on the inside cover, in the same way our artists are on our cover and inside cover.
The cover of this album also contains more information than The xx's, such as the title of the artist and the title of the album, our album also contains the same amount of information.
The colours are quite mismatched on this album, some of it is in black and white and other parts in colour but it still works as an album. The colours on our digi pack are quite mismatched too but this was too incorporate the pop element of the song.
Florence and the Machines Website
The name of the artist is found directly at the top of the page and underneath is pictures of the artist herself. The layout of the page is similar to The xx's, all the hyperlinks are at the top of the page, it's just there is more content on the front page.
As The xx are all about the music, not the artist, it is clear that Florence doesn't follow the same conventions as the content of her page is all about her, advertising her music and advertising her latest tours.
We created our web page also based on the advertising aspect and getting our target audience more involved with the artists.
Florences website is quite interactive with youtube videos of her latest songs, itunes adverts encouraging you to buy her latest songs and albums, links to social networking sites, latest news updates and a live twitter feed, we also have all these things on our website. This is to keep up with the latest technology so we can keep fans updated and interact with them. Technology is getting better and it is easier to get songs of sites like itunes rather than buy an actual cd. It is part of promotion to get a bigger audience of fans and make themselves more well-known with people who haven’t heard of them, so using social networking sites is a fast way of reaching out to new fans.
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